Monday, February 2, 2009

What Can We Do Together?

How has this project been going? What has been the hardest thing so far? What has been the easiest? How can I make this project more effective for you? Other suggestions?


jakeL2012 said...

This project has ben going good for me right now, but it is actually very hard, harder than I thought. It is also more difficult than I thought it was going to be. The hardest thing for me right now has been the citations and the quotes. I'm not sure about how they work right now, but I will get there. The easiest has been the introduction. I was very easy for me to come up with a story in my mind about how to put my topic to good use. I think if you went over how to find and get a citation then maybe I would do a lot better on understanding this project.

NateL2012 said...

This project is very difficult because its not only a paper but its also something that we have to go out and do, to make a difference. Because of this i think that we should have more flexibilty with our deadlines, and maybe more worktime. I think the things that we have done in class have helped me understand the way you want this written, it just doesnt make that much sense cuz it seems like its more what other people are saying and not what we think. I think maybe we should just have some work time where you come around while we work and help everyone individually with thier papers

EmilyK2012 said...

This project has been a lot of work and time for me but i am understanding what needs to be done.The hardest thing for me right now is organizing my thoughts and figuring out how to connect things. i think i need work time where you are available to ask questions and help.

OliviaB2012 said...

This project has been going pretty well for me, except for the fact that I missed a week and was very confused when I got back. The hardest thing for me would probably have to be finding good resources and citing them. I don't know why I have so many troubles with that, but I do. I think what I need right now is just a whole day to work on this project because I seem to get more done when I'm at school and not worrying about how I only have 10 minutes left. When I am worried about getting out of class and to the bus on time, I can't focus, so if we start right in on work time at the beginning of class it would help a lot.

Chaseo2012 said...

I think that this project has been a little difficult so far because I found the setup of the paragraphs to be a little confusing at first. I understand now, but I got behind a bit on my work and I get distracted with other homework assignments like PLNs as well as homework in other classes. The introduction was probably the easiest part for me, but I had a hard time coming up with a topic sentence for my first paragraph. Quotes are a little harder to incorporate into the paper. I guess what it all comes down to is that we need a little bit more time to work on it in class. Maybe just a full work day where we can try to get our first two paragraphs done. One question I have is this: Are we getting this paper written as we go? Or is everything we are doing now just a rough draft that will lead up to a full paper that we have to write all at once?

AaronS2012 said...

This paper is I think, harder then any other paper I have ever written so far. Not only do we have to write it, we have to go out and do it. The writing part is kind of hard because there are so many steps that I never had even considered before in writing a paper. The easiest part I would say is that it is broken into pieces, they are sometimes large pieces but it is easier to work on just one part at a time. I think we just need to have lots of time to work in class on this because working at home is not as effective when everyone in the class has questions. If that would happen I think the whole class would benefit.

FinlayB said...

The project is going good. The hardest thing so far is color coding the resources. The easiest thing is the outlines. If you gave us more work time this project would be more effective for me.

ElizabethE2012 said...

The project has been going ok. the hardest thing for me right now is the first body paragraph and the easiest thing was the intro. to keep on going over the steps would be helpful.

Anonymous said...

I think this project is going good for me. I am having trouble keeping up with all the homework though. If we had a bit more time in class it would be helpful. The citations are hard to get but i will get them.

MaureenI70464 said...

This project has been going good so far. I am finding it challenging that the paragraphs order is very specific, when really this should help us set up our paragraph. I guess I am used to writing in any format I want. Also, getting the quotes into these paragraphs is challenging, it is hard to make them flow, and not seem random and out of place. On thing that is easy about this project is knowing that you are working on it for a purpose much larger then school, and that this great idea of yours could actually become a reality. That keeps you going. It would be of great help to have even more work time then we are having now. I am falling behind and need to get caught back up.

Lena R 2012 said...

This project has been going okay. The hardest thing that has been going on is the time limit. Big projects like this stress me out and it makes me go at a slower pace then most everyone else. And it's also pretty hard finding the right information and where to put it in because I'm pretty picky about that stuff. When it comes down to my writing, it must be really good work for me to even think about turning it in. School in general has always been tricky for me because i hate being told to do things a certien way when i have a different way of doing them that works perfectly. And i love writing and reading. I seriously would never miss a day of english if all we did was read books. But when it comes to my writing it's hard to do it a certien way for me. Thus all the steps involved for writing one paragraph. I finally understand them, but i don't understand why there has to be so many. That's probaly why it's taking me a while to get the things done.

breannas2012 said...

This project has been going okay so far. It’s a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. The hardest thing for me would be getting the research that I need then trying to write all of it. The easiest thing would probably be writing the thesis statement. This project would be more affective on me if we went a little bit slower. Also I need help on trying to make the point to the paragraph after all of my quotes.

NickK2012 said...

I think that this project is definitely very involved, and I think at this point, something that can help not only me, but the whole entire class is extra work time. As I was reading through everyone else’s blogs, that suggestion is in everyone’s blogs, but I always benefit from it. I think this project is just overall hard to stay on top of for the most part, because we have six other classes that we need to be devoting homework time to, and I don’t know about everyone else, but it’s hard for me, because I always have other things going on after school, and without this project going, I’m already staying up until midnight getting everything done, but now its like until one o’clock, or two o’clock, and it’s just overall really hard to get everything done. I think that if we delayed the due date of the project for maybe an extra week or so, I think it would give us room to make sure that it’s our best work, and to make sure that we are completely one hundred percent proud of what we are going to be turning in, and we will be positive that all the time spent working on it, is worth the one-hundred and fifty points that it’s going to be worth.

mitchell2012 said...

This project with changing the world has had its ups and downs, but overall it has been going very well. The hardest thing for me would have to be finding the right quote to make my essay more interesting and powerful. The easiest thing for me would be the writing, mostly the first paragraph or the intro. To make this essay more effective for me you would have to just give the class and I more effective work time. I don’t have any other suggestions but thanks and good luck with soccer.

calebw2012 said...

The project we are doing is going very good for me, even though it is quite challenging. The hardest thing for me has been finding good quotes to put in my paper. The easiest thing for me has been putting the paragraph together once you have all the information you need. The way you can help me is to help with revising and letting me know what I am doing wrong. We need a lot of time to work in class so that we don't get behind in our work. Extra class time is very helpful to me.